Recess Screensaver is a nice screensaver that shows the image of a beautiful dawn. The landscape looks like a canyon or high mountain which has a small pond of crystalline, moving water. There are a few plants around the pond and the sky is full of clouds of different colors. You can add a transparent analog clock in one of the screen corners of your choice. Its transparency feature is great because it doesn't block the view, no matter where you place it. Unfortunately, the screensaver doesn't include music or sounds, but if you want, you can add your own music playlist from the settings menu.
From that menu, you will also be able to customize DirectX quality, image size (stretch-full, stretch-proportional, original), and animation speed. You will notice that there are other options on that menu (such as image order and duration on the screen) that have nothing to do with screensaver because it only includes one image. The image can also be used as wallpaper if you want.
In short, Recess Screensaver is a nice screensaver which offers a beautiful scene to enjoy for free.